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Articles and links on all things metadata!

Integrated Operation

MXFixer can be integrated with Diffuser.

Using the MXFixer tool to open and check MXF files along with Diffuser to lookup and manipulate metadata registries releases the maximum power of both products. This document demonstrates the operational flow and provides a description of what happens at each stage.

Managing Metadata

You and your customers will soon need to exploit metadata – and you need to prepare now.

The business pressure to streamline processes and, at the same time, maintain quality of content is increasing. To complicate matters, the desire to increase revenue has many organizations exploring new ways to deliver content to their customers – but it is not clear which will be the most compelling or which will be most profitable. This is why everyone is talking about metadata and why many big players are starting to exploit it.

Get Started with Diffuser

Typically the area of greatest value to an organization is the ability to take an industry standard dictionary, such as SMPTE, and easily add the metadata which is specific to their own needs.

Use this document to help you learn how to use Diffuser to create a metadata system that can be updated with the minimum of effort.

Demystifying Metadata
And Adding Value To Your Business

The idea of electronically adding metadata to A/V content is a relatively new idea. The subject has its own special jargon and the business effects have not been fully explored. This paper aims to provide a non-technical description of metadata and help to any organization that is considering its use.

File Under "Too Difficult"?

Different organizations are at different stages of planning for the exploitation of metadata. This article draws parallels with other technological leaps that our industry has experienced and describes a few of the ways that companies are planning today to get significant business benefits and competitive edge.

TVB Europe published this op-ed piece by Neil Dunstan in their October 2005 edition.

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